Sunday, February 13, 2011

My hamster Edward is my Valentine

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. And for the first time since I was... ... ... seventeen? I don't have a fella to swoon over and make plans with. **excited fist pumps**

For pretty much seven solid years I was bananas about boys and even when "single" I had one foot in a past or future relationship. I heard so many friends and family members tell me that I needed to spend time with myself in order to blossom and find true happiness. The funny part is, now that I've been on my own for pretty much exactly a year, I can't even imagine how I could ever have had someone so up in my business all the time. Or, more correctly, how I could've had so much energy to be the psycho girlfriend all up in THEIR business all the time, whether they wanted it or not (probably not, though, probably not). 

I spent last Valentine's Day with my then on-again-off-again-and-again-and-again boyfriend. We went to Joshua Tree to hike and camp and rub dirt on our faces in the name of love. I think what REALLY ended up happening was that we broke up for the fiftieth time, I sobbed myself hoarse, and then we had to cancel the hiking and come home early because I got scabies and my limbs and part of my face were covered in oozing red sores. Such a sexy vacay.

I can't believe a year has passed. I think my metamorphosis went something like:
hyper-dramatic I-would-do-anything-for-love-as-long-as-it's-irrational girlfriend-----> Jersey-Shore-status drunken hoe-bag------> Larry David.

And you know what? I feel pret-tay, pret-tay good about that.

Random side note: I'd like to welcome my BFF Bex to the vegan community!! She decided to make the move today after being vegetarian for years and eating healthier than anyone else I've ever met. Yay Bex!! I promise to never make fun of you for ordering lettuce with a side of lettuce and essence of lettuce EVER again! (Just kidding, I totally will.) **more excited fist pumps**


  1. I'm pretty sure I just like the phrase "fist pumps" more than anything else in the world right now.
    Also, I love you.

  2. jesus. Was that really your last valentine's day? I'm in pain just reading about it!
